Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cannibal Ox- New EP Gotham Review

When I first heard about a possible Cannibal Ox Reunion, I immediately got extremely excited. If you don't already know who Cannibal Ox is do yourself a favor and listen to the classic album The Cold Vein. The Cold Vein was a decade defining and genre breaking hip hop album that sounded like nothing else at the time, and still. This is partly due to EL-P's fantastic futuristic dystopian beats and producing and Vast Aire's and Vordul Mega's skillful wordplay about abstract concepts. The album is futuristic yet gritty and a unique listening experience.

Since then Cannibal Ox was no more after The Cold Vein. El-P went on to a solo career that has been very successful, he is a producer/rapper that has created his own sound and he is still as fresh today than he was then (his 3rd album Cancer for Cure was in my top 5 for 2012). Vast Aire and Vordul Mega have let out a couple solo album as well. The gap between The Cold Vein and this EP seems to prove the opinion Ive had for years, Vordul Mega is way better than Vast Aire. Most of Vast Aire solo ablums, I believe he has about 4, were not up to par while I found Vordul Mega to be a more skillful rapper. As a duo, they work great.

So Vordul Mega and Vast Aire are back but there is one thing missing. EL-P PRODUCTION! El-P has stated that he will NOT be a part of the new Cannibal Ox output which was a huge disappointment for me but I understood where he came from and from listening to the new EP I can sorta understand why. While the EP is good and still has that 'sound', I think what made The Cold Vein so interesting was that it was the first of its kind. It sounded different and strange but very interesting. It really is something of its time and can not be duplicated.

So what about the new EP? Well the sound is still there on the song 'Gotham' which features a great Vordul Mega and a sorta abrasive Vast Aire. Overall a nice sounding Cannibal Ox.

The next song Gases in Hell seems to be a Vast Aire song since not once did I hear Vordul Mega. It has a really cheesy chorus and has everything I find annoying Vast Aire. He seems to throw words that rhyme, just cause they rhyme although they don't make sense and sound stupid and in my opinion very try hard. "My style is fat, reminiscent of a whale" ???? WHAT?? I mean its clever in a way but it just comes out awkward and silly.

The last song, Pslam 82, sounds like a Wu Tang song and features the gritty lyrics of Vordul Mega. Vordul Mega flow on this is so awesome, he just seems to ride his flow and you can hear the skill behind it. His stream of conscience flow comes off as calculated and very calm. Vast Aire verse seems to just be Sean Price like punchlines during the end the song, which is something Vast Aire is somewhat good at.

Overall, the whole thing sounds like a Vast Aire EP featuring Vordul Mega. Now I now I am biased by liking Vordul Mega way more but the The Cold Vein sounded like a duo and this doesn't. Even though I find Vast Aire a bit lack luster, there is no denying that without him it isn't Cannibal Ox. Yes, I do find him annoying at times but sometimes he comes up with the best lines. Vast Aire seems to be the more abstract punchline type rapper and Vordul Mega seems to be the more introspective and lyrical, together they make a great duo that provides two different sides making Cannibal Ox a compelling listen. Although they don't really show it on this EP, I won't hold it against them since its an EP. Hopefully the LP features an improvement.

Take a listen the the new EP here:


  1. "My style is kinda fat, reminiscent of a whale." That's a Q-Tip line from Sucka Nigga off Midnight Marauders.
    You should know that.

  2. You missing the wordplay and making that comment on a classic verse, from even more classic album, makes the reader unable to treat the rest of what you say with any credibility.
