Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Danny Brown Concert

 Last year I had the option to watch Danny Brown live but the band Converge was also coming on the same day. I had to choose between the two and chose Converge due to the fact that I don't get many chance to see Converge since Danny Brown seems to tour a lot.

But this Monday I saw Danny Brown live. and this Monday I got crazy. That Monday was a workout. This Monday was one of the best live performance Ive been to. To say it was wild is an understatement.

Ive loved Danny Brown for a couple years now ever since I heard XXX and The Hybrid. It's so awesome to see Danny get the love he deserves. The whole crowed was getting hyped as hell and was getting a little impatient but once Danny came on the stage the whole crowd seem to just rush forward causing a wave of body slams. During the beginning of the show I was in the front, then ended up in the middle, then the front, and then the back. I still don't know how I was moved around so much. The whole crowed was getting crazy during each track. EVERYONE went crazy, even me which is rare but like Danny Brown said "Yo you can't be at a Danny Brown show if you ain't getting turnt up!". Along with the beats by SKYWLKR, which sound great live, the whole crowd was just wild.

Danny Brown live was surprising, even though I knew it would be awesome it turned out to be greater. What really impressed me was how insane Danny Brown is onstage running around, jumping, and grinding on girls and he can still rap without missing a beat. I was just out of breath in the crowd and was like "How the hell can he still rap so hard while doing all the jumping and running". The highlights have to be the whole crowd rapping along to Monopoly, I Will, Lie 4, and all the new songs off Old (his new album due out this year)
. My personal favor was when he played Blunt After Blunt. Even though I was dying of thirst from sweating and being out of breath I felt obligated to join the chorus by yelling BLUNT AFTER BLUNT AFTER BLUNT AFTER BLUNT AFTER BLUNT AFTER BLUNT AFTER BLUNT AFTER BLUNT. It seemed endless but oh man was it fun and awesome.

If Danny Brown comes to your town, do yourself a favor and go and have a great time. But be sure to get wild, cause you don't then you ain't really at a Danny Brown show.

NOTE: Baauer, the guy who made the Harlem Shake song, played on this tour and was the headliner but I didn't stick around for him. Was strictly there for Danny Brown.

Action Bronson live concert this Thursday as well, Ill make sure to post my thoughts.

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