Monday, January 21, 2013

A Talk With - So Many Wizards (New Album Coming & Thoughts on Coachella)

@The Smell, Downtown LA 1/18/13

           After watching my first interview on camera I learned something, I need more practice interviewing! I’m just glad that Erik and Nima from So Many Wizards are so cool. In my interview with these down to earth dudes I was informed about an upcoming album. They are currently recording new songs and hoping to release it within 2013.  I really hope to hear more of that dreamy pop with well thought out, upbeat guitar licks picked over uplifting surf-pop drumbeats. It’s exciting to think of where these guys will be once they do complete a new record. Enough about the future, let’s focus on how the show went at The Smell.
The sold out show in Downtown LA at The Smell had loud, rockin’ acts incorporating interesting instruments with confident stage presence. Feeding People in particular, knew what they were doing as the band’s big sound and powerful guitar chords captivated the audience. Each song was strong and driving with few breaks reminding me of The Ettes. I also see similarities between the two lead singers. It would be best described as organized garage rock. (Too bad the group isn’t from my neighborhood.) Another band, Palm Reader, brought their punk rock tunes to the show and opened a mosh pit. After hearing a few cool local bands, it was time for So Many Wizards to hit the stage. 

So Many Wizards performing live at The Smell

Nima Kazerouni lead singer/guitarist for SMW
During their set up, a new listener might expect an average sound from a regular looking band. Their average-Joe look would hardly begin to describe the bands unique sound. With each song, you are introduced to a hook, one that you can hold onto. If it’s not a catchy keyboard part, it’s Nima’s falsetto vocal line or, like I said earlier, an upbeat guitar riff. It’s probably all of these blended together that make So Many Wizards enjoyable to listen to.
When the dance pit opened up you could feel the positive energy swarm around the venue leaving unnecessary worries behind. Fans were stage diving and being carried around the crowd. The pit was full of kids swarming around and shoving each other to the good vibes of the band. Erik (drummer) easily kept the beat going as the band rocked out. They even mellowed it out a little bit by playing some primarily keyboard songs. The bass player, Geoff, performing for his last time for So Many Wizards, recommended the slower songs. (The crowd said bye to the bass player while Nima took a picture of it for the Facebook page) Evidently the band has a new female guitarist, Melody, who is learning the songs but can fit right in like a natural. The group flowed fairly well and over came some bumps in the set. For a small, packed venue the fans were definitely getting their moneys worth. Nima cracked some funny jokes and said silly things such as, ”Don’t do drugs kids.” Now that’s being a great influence for the young crowd!
Bassist, Geoff Geis, performs his last show with SMW 
I was happy to have made in to   The Smell before it sold out. For those who have never been, I recommend checking out a show there sometime. It’ll definitely be worth the 5 dollars. They have DJ’s in the front room spinning in between the bands and the bands I came across Friday were decent. They were all entertaining for young musicians and I hope to see more shows at the artsy place.


Photos by: Monica Salazar

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